Get Creative with Your Space!
Let’s face it. Summer holidays trigger a few emotions in parents. Stress, Anxiety, excitement, Joy…basically all emotions in one sitting. But you don’t have a suffer at home! One thing us parents need is an area where we can chill out.
When it comes to designing homes one hugely important thing (if it’s for a family) is to ensure there are areas where parents can have some free time.
You don’t have to overthink it, it can be as easy as adding an armchair to your kitchen, buy a snuggly cover for your bed that you can get under and enjoy whilst the kids are downstairs watching a film you’ve seen 5000 times.
Create a nook and fill it with items you love, photo frames, plants, and anything that makes you happy.
We all enjoy our children, but there are days when you just need a break for a few minutes.
A kitchen is a great place for a cozy nook. You can create one with fitted furniture, purchase an armchair, buy dining chairs that are upholstered so they are more comfortable, add a bench if you have a table up against a wall, and make it feel more inviting by adding cushions.
If you have space under the stairs this is another area you could claim!
Get creative and have fun with it.
Here are some examples of areas that have been created to help our clients get that cozy area.
If you are based in Yorkshire, why not head over to Redbrick Mill to find your all important chill out chair. You know you deserve it!
I hope you all have a fantastic Summer.